What we work on
Access to justice for Marginalised communities
Ensuring access to justice for marginalised communities such as dalit, bahujan, adivasi and religious minority groups. This includes litigating and advocating for their social, political and economic rights.
Women’s Rights
Improving access to justice for women and furthering socio-economic rights as well as sexual and reproductive rights including litigation on behalf of women seeking medical termination of pregnancies.
Right to housing
Litigate on behalf of marginalised groups such as slum dwellers to ensure proper rehabilitation for project affected persons, furthering access to secure and adequate housing. A notable case that lawyers associated with the organisation have been part of is that on behalf of slum dwellers who were being sent to Mahul, a place where the air toxic levels are hazardous and has been found to be unsuitable for habitation. The Hon’ble Bombay High Court in the case passed orders preventing the slum dwellers from being sent to Mahul and directed the Government to provide all slum dwellers an alternate accommodation and stayed their evictions until proper accommodation was provided by them.
LGBTQ Rights
Provide legal guidance to individuals to improve access to documentation and in collaboration with other organisations, provide legal aid in cases of harassment, discrimination or violence.
Labour rights
Representation of workers including construction workers, public sector employees as well as contractual employees as part of strategic litigation and advocacy efforts along with various Labour Unions/ Workmen Associations to ensure enforcement of labour rights. Experience of litigation on a range of different issues including recovering unpaid dues, against illegal termination among others at different administrative and judicial forums.
Disability Rights
Provide legal aid and support on issues related to accessibility and inclusion of persons with disability as well as implementation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 to ensure reasonable accommodation of persons with disability in public employment and education.